
Diana T.

I am a student at linda marquez high school. The reason why i made this blog was to post important things that others can look at. The things that i post give tips about life and how to succeed. They also explain how people made right choices which can help us in life and help us make right choices aswell. Basically, the posts influences others.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

High School Graduation- Pleasure or Pain
When you graduate you get to feel the pleasure and joy. You get that good feeling inside you knowing that you achieved something and that high school is finally over. You family will also be very proud of you because of what you just accomplished. If you don’t graduate you will feel pain. You will feel disappointed in yourself knowing that you didn't accomplish anything. You will see all your friends crossing stage and graduating and you will not be part of that. You family will also be disappointed in you because they were counting on you to graduate and you let them down. 

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