
Diana T.

I am a student at linda marquez high school. The reason why i made this blog was to post important things that others can look at. The things that i post give tips about life and how to succeed. They also explain how people made right choices which can help us in life and help us make right choices aswell. Basically, the posts influences others.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Student Success Statement
"Whats right isn't always popular. What's popular isn't always right."
-Howard Cosell
There are a lot of trends out there that are very popular but not right. Many people follow them to "become popular" even though they know that it isn't right. For example, some girls now at days wear the tiniest clothes but they just do it to "fit in". They don't look good at all when they wear some clothes but they do it anyway. Another example would be drugs. Most people now at days just do it because everybody else is doing it. Some people don't even know what they're doing but they think that they're all that just because they do it.

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